1 Required Item lumber for Geneva Co. AFC. Materials for Geneva Co. AFC office for repairs. To be shipped to 3670 Enterprise Road Geneva, AL. 36340. Items listed below: 200 each -1X4X16 # 2 pine 10 each- 3/4 4X8 cdx plywood lumber for Geneva Co. AFC. 200 each 1x14x16' #2 pine10 each 3/4 4x8 cd plywood1 box cedar shims 54000 - LUMBER, SIDING, AND RELATED PRODUCTS 1.00 Each 2 Required Item windows Materials for Geneva Co. AFC office for repairs. To be shipped to 3670 Enterprise Road Geneva, AL. 36340. Items listed below: 14 each- 23.25 X 71.25 white LOE 6/6 window 1 each- 23.25 X 35.25 white LOE 4/4 window 14 each 23.25x71.25 white windows1 each 23.25x35.25 window 1509633 - FRAMES, WINDOW, WOOD, STANDARD FOR BRICK OR FRAME OPENINGS 1.00 Each 3 Required Item Popcorn ceiling texture Materials for Geneva Co. AFC office for repairs. To be shipped to 3670 Enterprise Road Geneva, AL. 36340. Items listed below: 1 each- popcorn ceiling texture 01075 - Insulation Paints, Primers, Sealers, etc. 1.00 Each