Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Setup of all Birmingham City School District school websites under the URL or domain name of bhm.k12.al.us 2. Custom Setup and Implementation and migration from existing site to include Access to proposer’s entire standard website features, contents, and functionality. 3. Setup mobile app with link to main school district and school information portals. 4. Set up mass notification to reflect all aspects of parental, student, and employee engagement. 5. Complete migration to new service into full operation of district/departmental pages by May 1, 2024. 6. Complete migration to new service for all school pages by July 1, 2024. 7. Ongoing monthly web hosting and access to all standard services. Monthly services include Web hosting, backup, security, disaster recovery plans and network engineering associated with maintaining Birmingham City Schools' central and individual school websites. All associated training as indicated. 8. A District Level Website that is modern in design and delivery of content. 9. A Website solution with a strong focus on a standard theme to be used throughout all school websites, an easy-to-use navigation scheme, and user-friendly functionality. The vendor will assist schools with developing a web presence that is identifiable as part of Birmingham City Schools District but maintains a look and feel in keeping with the individual school. Backend integration with Google Doc's and/or Office 365. 10. Comprehensive fixed price to provide web hosting services for all Birmingham City Schools facilities, including teacher pages, student management, course management, classroom management and web 2.0 with appropriate security for an educational environment. 11. The initial contract term shall be for three (3) years with two (2) additional one (1) year renewal options, not to exceed five (5) years under the same terms and conditions indicated herein. 12. Contract can be terminated with a 90-day notice from either party. Website 1. Must be the vendor’s proprietary Content Management System, built specifically for K-12 school districts (no open source). 2. Fully customizable design at no additional cost (unlimited design and consultation hours included). 3. Fully customizable campus website designs at no additional cost (unlimited design and consultation hours included). 4. Fully responsive for all modern browsers and devices. 5. Complete redesign of the website offered annually at the request of the district at (No additional cost to the district.) 6. Must be hosted with Amazon Web Services or equally reliable service. 7. Must contain a fully native internal website search (no external embeds, like Google). 8. Must include the ability to include pop-up alerts throughout the website for emergency notifications. 9. Must have ability for full-screen mega menus to build consistent navigation between desktop and mobile. 10. Native website translations without any change to the visual appearance of the site (no Google Translate header, for example) and maintain persistent translation throughout the user’s visit to the site.