Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. Provide all necessary equipment (on a lease or purchase basis) and software used to capture/authorize/transmit electronic credit card and debit card transactions, including a payment gateway. B. Provide maintenance on electronic equipment and software. C. Provide any needed supplies for electronic equipment. D. Provide programming to allow electronic authorization terminals to automatically transmit a captured batch at a consistent time each day E. Provide user manuals for electronic equipment and other written instructional information, including descriptions of error codes and other terminal messages, for each location of authorization terminal at the Municipality. F. Provide initial on-site, hands-on training as requested by the Municipality for each location of authorization terminal at the Municipality, including a timeline for any potential transition and product training. G. Provide phone support for troubleshooting. H. Maintain and provide to the Municipality upon request, standard transaction detail (i.e. EDC Batch Activity Reports) to support amount of payment to the Municipality for each credit card and debit card batch transmission received by Contractor. I. Provide a monthly statement to the Chief Fiscal Officer or designee for each authorization terminal, which at a minimum provides a summary of card deposits and a detailed listing of all fees charged to the Municipality, in addition to a combined monthly statement of all individual authorization terminal statements. J. Provide electronic transaction services through at least VISA, MasterCard, and Cirrus networks. List all pin-based debit networks through which you currently process, as well as all credit cards your firm services. K. Provide a detailed listing of card deposits and a detailed listing of all fees charged to the Municipality by terminal location, on a daily basis in an electronic format acceptable to the Municipality. L. Provide notification of disputed electronic transactions to the Municipality within 24 hours of the contractor being notified.