he City of Tempe is evaluating this project as a candidate for the CMAQ PM-10 funding. The purpose of this project is to dustproof 1.69 miles of unpaved alleys located within the Clark Park Neighborhood limits and 1.90 miles of unpaved alleys located within Mitchell Park West Project Area. This project will remove two (2)” of existing alley surface and replace it with double rolled Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP) on the existing alley alignment. The RAP shall be compacted to existing grade and sealed with acrylic copolymer on top. A typical cross section consists of a 16 to 20-foot-wide travel lane leaving a buffer of one foot to two feet on each side to avoid any utility conflicts. In cases where typical cross section is not fenced or linear, the alleys will continue to be paved longitudinally, leaving the required one to two feet buffer from typical edge of the alley. The finished grade for paved alleys shall be built flush with the existing level of manholes, tops of valves and boxes.