A. Review all relevant bond documents and consulting with the City and Bond Counsel as needed to determine the correct interpretation of applicable sections of the Internal Revenue Code as it applies to the bonds. B. Calculate the arbitrage yield limit on the bonds. C. Perform all necessary work to determine whether the bond issue qualifies for any exceptions to yield restriction and any exceptions to rebate requirements. D. Calculate the yield on non-purpose investments and determine the amount, if any, of rebatable arbitrage earnings on those investments. Unless otherwise instructed by the City, calculations will be performed at least annually as long as bond proceeds remain outstanding, and at the end of each fifth bond year thereafter until the City is advised by the Offeror providing the Arbitrage Services that no further calculations are required based on Internal Revenue Service Code requirements. E. Consult with the City and provide guidance and assistance with regard to arbitrage compliance issues. F. Assist the City with Internal Revenue Service audits pertaining to Arbitrage Services provided by the Offeror. G. Defend the City in any audit of an arbitrage calculation or other related service subject to audit by the Internal Revenue Service, whether or not Offeror’s Contract with the City has terminated or expired H.Calculations to be accompanied by a description of the amount of positive or negative arbitrage accrued during the period and a recommended amount to be deposited into a rebate fund, if applicable. I. Calculations performed at the end of each fifth bond year will also be accompanied by a description of the amount of rebate accrued during the five-year period, the accumulated amount accrued over the life of the issue, the amount of rebate paid to date, and the amount required to be paid at the end of the five-year period. J. Prepare all necessary IRS Forms (i.e. 8038-T).