A. System interfaces should include: 1. Web-based access or thin client for field users that is responsive and patrol and responder friendly, with functionality to cache information should connectivity drop (i.e., designed to be used by first responders in a vehicle). B. The software must be able to integrate with City systems. If current integrations are not already built, please describe how your company will address establishing these integrations. 1. The current City Systems include but are not limited to those listed below: a. Automated Secure Alarm Protocol (ASAP) to Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) b. Axon Records - records management system c. Axon Fleet 3 - automated license plate reader d. Axon Fusus - real-time intelligence system e. CAD to CAD interface with AMR’s CAD f. CAD to CAD with PCSD (Motorola Flex) g. CI Technologies IAPro - internal investigations records management system h. Corti i. First Due j. First Watch k. Full Vesta 911 fully spill all Automatic number identification (ANI) and automatic location identifier (ALI) l. International Public Safety Data Institute - NFORS m. ImageTrend i. To include outside agencies ii. Or other agencies respective Records Management Systems n. MD Ally o. Mindbase p. Motorola CommandCentral - suite of real-time crime center applications q. Motorola Next and XN Radios/Command Central Aware i. GPS location should be captured and included in CAD System r. National Emergency Response Information System (NERIS) s. Nice Audio Logger feed t. Pulse point feed u. Rapid SOS v. Rapid Deploy w. RAVE Alert x. SPIDR Tech y. Teg, Inc. TraCS, or equivalent - mobile citation software z. USDD Station Alerting aa.What 3 Words