IV. Project Goals and Objectives The primary objectives of this project are: A. Update the Existing Plan: Review and assess the current Economic Development Strategic Plan to identify areas that need revision or enhancement. B. Community and Stakeholder Engagement: Facilitate stakeholder and community engagement to ensure the plan reflects the needs and desires of the community. C. Develop a New Strategic Framework: Create a comprehensive, forward-looking economic development strategy that addresses current challenges while capitalizing on opportunities for sustainable growth. This strategy should encompass key projects and initiatives, including the future Phase II Industrial Park (FAA Land Release), the I-40 TradePort Corridor, retail and commercial growth, growth initiated by multiple I-40 traffic interchanges, and revitalization efforts for Downtown Kingman. Additionally, it should align with ongoing and upcoming plans, such as the Future Trails Master Plan (managed and completed by Parks and Recreation), the future study being created by Arizona State University (ASU) for Art in Public Places, and the completed 2024 Tourism Plan. a. Trails Master Plan: The City of Kingman has a strong commitment to enhancing its recreational spaces, guided by several key developments over the years. The Kingman Parks & Recreation Department is currently seeking a Consultant to create a comprehensive master plan of existing, proposed, and potential trails and their potential connections to business centers, neighborhoods, schools, parks, open space, neighboring communities, and community amenities. Please note that the Trails Master Plan may not be finalized before the required completion date of the Updated Economic Development Strategic Plan. However, a meeting with the consultants developing the Trails Master Plan will be scheduled to ensure a thorough understanding of its objectives and progress. This collaboration will provide the necessary information to incorporate the Trails Master Plan as an integral element of the Updated Economic Development Strategic Plan. b. Future Study by ASU - Art in Public Places: The Kingman Economic Development Team is working with the ASU Project Cities team to develop the framework of an Art in Public Places program for the City of Kingman. To be completed in May 2025. c. Current Tourism Strategic Plan: The Kingman Office of Tourism consulted with Coraggio Group in Q2 2024 to gather input from the team and stakeholders in order to develop a concise 2024/2025 Tourism Strategic Plan. The plan included areas of focus with metrics and initiatives to address the topics outlined by stakeholders. The plan should be reviewed and revised as needed to be more comprehensive in scope