Task 1. Develop Conceptual Model of International Ozone Influence The CONSULTANT will seek to develop a conceptual model of the influence of international ozone and ozone precursor emissions in the Maricopa nonattainment area as described in pages 18-22 of EPA’s Guidance on the Preparation of Clean Air Act Section 179B Demonstrations for Nonattainment Areas Affected by International Transport of Emissions, December 2020 (“EPA Guidance”). The CONSULTANT is not limited to EPA Guidance when developing the conceptual model. If the CONSULTANT chooses to deviate significantly from EPA Guidance in the development of the conceptual model, the CONSULTANT should clearly indicate the reasons for the deviation. The CONSULTANT will consult regularly with the MAG project manager to ensure that the developed conceptual model is consistent with conceptual models developed by MAG for the use in the modeled attainment demonstration included in a Serious Area state implementation plan (SIP) revision to EPA. Task 2. Develop Technical Analyses in Support of a Prospective Clean Air Act 179B(a) Demonstration