4.8.1.The Contractor shall offer leased equipment that will have capabilities equal to or equivalent to the equipment showing in exhibit 4, leased services and offer Global Positioning System services for the equipment. 4.8.2.The product shall have the capability to address dead zones. In an instance in which a vehicle is in an area where there is no cell or satellite service, the Contractor shall have the ability to capture the vehicle data during that time. 4.8.3.The product shall have the capability to retrieve and send data within one (1) hour of being installed. 4.8.4.The product shall have general reporting capabilities to include but not limited to speed, idle duration, location and general telematics. 4.8.5.The product shall be equipped with AdHoc Reporting and have the ability for agency users to build AdHoc dashboard reporting. The product shall provide and create custom reports and alerts when any reports or alerts do not meet the needs of any agency.