Specifications include, but are not limited to: . The intent of the Request for Proposal (“RFP” or “Agreement”) is to seek proposals from qualified firms or individuals to operate and develop a concession operation at Dead Horse Ranch State Park (“DEHO” or “the Park”). The intent is to create a partnership between the Concessionaire and the ASPB that will expand quality revenue producing services and enhance the Arizona State Parks brand through a joint marketing effort. It is the intention of the ASPB to partner with a Concessionaire who demonstrates a desire and interest to utilize its resources to improve services and amenities at the Park. The Concessionaire’s goals for concession operations at the Park will be consistent with the ASPB’s goals of (1) pursuing creative new visitor opportunities and activities and (2) providing high-quality visitor experiences. All new ideas for visitor services must be approved by the ASPB before implementation. The ASPB will work with the Concessionaire to address reasonable suggestions. At a minimum, the Concessionaire must have the requisite experience, expertise, and resources to operate and develop an expanded concession operation at Dead Horse Ranch State Park. This will include, but not be limited to, providing horseback riding services.