The City of Surprise maintains a network of traffic signals and streetlights. This Job Order contract is intended for general contracting, construction, maintenance, and repair services, together with architectural and engineering services as necessary, related to existing signals, construction of new signals, existing streetlights, and installing new streetlights and associated streetlight systems within the City. It includes major and minor construction projects, renovations, maintenance, repairs, additions, demolition, re-construction and alterations to signals and related systems, streetlights and related systems within the intersections or close proximity to the intersections. Job orders issued under the contract may include but are not limited to the following: A. Constructability Review - assist the cities to review and comment on signal/ITS plans to ensure the constructability. B. Utility locating - able to provide utility location and/or coordinate with utility companies or private locator services. C. Legal descriptions and exhibits - work with outside sources to produce legal descriptions and exhibits. D. Demolition - remove items necessary for signal and street light installation. E. Cutting, milling, and removal - provide services as necessary to facilitate new signals and streetlights. F. Signal work- install signal poles, heads, equipment etc. for complete intersection signalization work. G. Signs and Striping - provide signs. both temporary and permanent signage and all striping associated with traffic systems. H. Street light work - install street light poles, mast arms, equipment, etc. for complete street light system work. I. Electronic gear- install, maintain, or renovate low voltage systems that manage signals. J. Vehicle Detection Systems - Install various vehicle detection systems including but not limited to, video, radar, thermal and loop-based systems. K. Lighting - run conduit and power and install luminaires on poles and install streetlights. L. Electrical work- install conduit, pull wires. and build both primary and low voltage systems in support of the signals and streetlights. M. Boring - place conduit under structures by boring. N. Concrete work - install sidewalks, curb/gutter, ramps, hard-scape, foundations, pads, and other concrete work to build signalized intersections. O. Roadway work - install base, asphalt, and other pavements in support of signalizing intersections. P. Traffic Control - develop and operate traffic control for projects. Q. Landscaping - install new landscape, including meters, irrigation systems, planting and ground covers as well as refreshing existing landscaping. R. Survey - provide accurate surveys and project staking.