3.1 The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, supplies and equipment necessary to fabricate, install and deliver products to the City Landfill for maintaining its methane gas and water management systems. 3.2 Contractor must be able to perform maintenance and service on, but not limited to, the following products: a. SDR 11 HDPE b. HDPE and PVC-18”, 12”, 6”, 4” and 2” pipe 3.3 Maintenance services and inspections shall be completed as requested and in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations and warranty requirements. 3.4 Contractor will be required to return calls for service within 24 hours, Emergency calls will be returned within two (2) hours. 3.5 Contractor must provide a minimum of one (1) year warranty for labor and parts for services provided to the City. 3.6 Travel charges will be allowable for Contractor on-site trips. However, the city will not pay travel charges for technician if work is performed off-site at the Contractor’s location.