The consultant will be expected to hold monthly progress meetings, as necessary, to ensure the projects are on schedule and the team is resolving project issues. The consultants are also expected to take proactive measures that will mitigate risks and take corrective action(s) should slippage of the schedule occur. Document retention, project schedule, and risk register updates are to be within the WorkFront platform and will be required. All work will remain within the existing edge of pavement unless shoulder work is included in the defined Scope of work for each specific project. Survey efforts will NOT be required. A materials design memo WILL be required from the consultant and shall include the A/C mix design and construction specifications, including, but not limited to, unit weight, percent binder, PG Grade, and application rates for the specified treatment. Surface Revised: 09/26/2023 treatment recommendations for each project are provided in the table below. Only two design submittals per project are expected, Stage 4 & Stage 5. Project plans and specifications are to be concise, clear and require only the information necessary for the contractor to conduct work. Traffic control plans will NOT be developed, however, the consultants will provide sheets which contain traffic control notes, typical detail(s) and quantities appropriate to complete the work identified in the plans. Lump sum traffic control items are expected to be used for each location / project. The consultants shall provide separate bid packages which will include plans, specifications and estimates for ● Construction. Stage submittals / bid advertisement may require staggering or acceleration to meet ideal construction periods. ● Environmental Clearance. The environmental clearance must be completed prior to the submittal of Stage IV. The Consultant will be required to provide the NEPA tasks and coordination necessary in order to complete the Environmental Clearance. ● Utility coordination, no conflict letters, support to ADOT Utility Group in issuing the Utility Clearance. ● Support to ADOT Right-of-Way section in issuing the Right-of-Way Clearance. ● Conduct management and administrative task including coordination, meetings, scheduling, comment resolution and responses, etc.