Yuma County (The County) is soliciting Quotes from qualified individuals or firms to provide state legislative representation as an authorized public lobbyist for the County. Once awarded, the selected Respondent shall assist the County with achieving specific state legislative objectives as identified by the Board of Supervisors, and represent the County with regard to state legislative matters that do or may affect the County. The Contractor will supplement the efforts of the Board of Supervisors, County elected officials, the Economic Development & Intergovernmental Affairs Division, the County Administrator, and other County employees at the Arizona State Legislature. C. Scope of Services Yuma County is seeking a contract lobbyist with extensive state legislative expertise and experience to perform the following services under the direction of the Economic Development & Intergovernmental Affairs Director (Director) the County Administrator, and the Board of Supervisors: 1. Represent the County’s interests before the Arizona State Legislature, the Governor of the State of Arizona, high-level gubernatorial staff, and state agencies. Such representation shall include effectively communicating the County’s position on specific issues and Quotes and receiving useful information from outside parties and stakeholders on those issues. 2. Assist the County in achieving specific legislative objectives as identified and prioritized by the five-member Board of Supervisors, the County Administrator, and the Director. It is anticipated that legislative objectives will relate to issues of governance, powers, duties, and authority of the Board of Supervisors and currently mandated statutory responsibilities of County departments, and may include, but not be limited to, one or more of the following areas: a. General Administration (Finance, Budget, Risk Management, Taxation, Pension Systems, etc.) b. Healthcare/Public Health (including ALTCS contributions, AHCCCS) c. Infrastructure/Public Works (Transportation, Planning & Development, Air Quality, Zoning, etc.) d. Elections (Election Day, Early Voting, Redistricting, etc.)