1. Create single-family and/or multifamily residential infill properties in the Oakland Historic District that capitalizes on its prominent urban downtown location while preserving the neighborhood’s historic identity. 2. Create development that is compatible with the Oakland Historic District and surrounding area, considering factors such as scale (height and density), shape, materials used, functional and appropriate transitions to adjacent properties, and historic setbacks. The development must align with the goals of the Oakland Historic District and stakeholders. A list of active neighborhood and community groups is available at https://nsdonline.phoenix.gov/. 3. Be initiated and completed within a reasonable time acceptable to the City. It is the City’s desire that the proposed developments be completed in the shortest timeframe possible. 4. Incorporate and implement elements of sustainability into the design, construction, and maintenance of the proposed project. A wide range of sustainability programs and concepts can be found at phoenix.gov/sustainability. 5. Be consistent with all applicable regulations, guidelines and adopted plans, including the Housing Phoenix Plan, Complete Streets Program, Bicycle Master Plan, and Tree and Shade Master Plan. 6. The City may provide up to $150,000 in federal funding to assist with each Lot’s development. In the event the City offers and the successful proposer accepts such funding, the proposer will be required to agree to additional terms and conditions associated with such assistance. Such terms and conditions will include a requirement that 100% of the residential and/or multifamily units will be made available to households with income levels not to exceed 80% AMI, as defined annually by HUD. If the City does not offer or the successful proposer does not accept federal funding assistance from the City, the affordability requirement stated in section I(E)(3) of this RFP will govern. 7. Require minimal additional City assistance and provide maximum return to the City. The City may, in its sole discretion, elect to provide additional funding or other assistance to projects that create a significant amount of public benefit, such as affordability, down payment/rental assistance or other accommodations above and beyond what would be minimally necessary for the proposed project. Whether the requested assistance is financial, technical, or in any other form, the intended purpose and estimated cost to the City must be clearly stated in the proposal. 8. Proposal for 1410 W Polk Street may include rezoning the lot to singlefamily/multifamily residential use, if applicable. 9. Support the neighborhood with future participation in the City of Phoenix Gated Alley Program, if applicable.