The Court has been awarded grant funds to install touchscreen multilingual wayfinding kiosks in lobbies or other public waiting areas of six courthouses to assist court users, including Limited English Proficient (LEP) users, with providing a variety of information electronically as well as navigating various courthouses. The kiosks will disseminate information visually in maps, in writing, and through audio in five languages including but not limited to English, Spanish, Mandarin, Portuguese and Punjabi based on local community needs.
The primary proposer should either be a kiosk hardware provider or a provider of software for wayfinding kiosks. The primary proposer may collaborate with a kiosk hardware provider or a provider of software for wayfinding kiosks to submit a comprehensive proposal.
The initial contract period for the contract resulting from this RFP is one year, with the option to renew it for one additional year. The tentative start date and end date of the contract are August 1, 2024, and June 30, 2026, respectively.
The proposer should possess experience of providing multilingual wayfinding kiosks to at least two government organizations in the last three consecutive years. Such services should be the same or substantially like those described at Exhibit 1: Scope of Work.