PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Santa Fe Spring as AGENCY, invites sealed bids for the above-stated project and will receive such bids in the City Clerk’s Office, City of Santa Fe Springs, 11710 Telegraph Road, Santa Fe Springs, California 90670, until 11:00 a.m. on WEDNESDAY, July 19, 2023.
Bids will be publicly opened and read at 11:30 a.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 11710 Telegraph Road, Santa Fe Springs on July 19, 2023. Bidders or their authorized agents are invited to be present for the opening of bids.
The work to be done consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals as required by the Plans and Specifications. The general items of work include: demolition of carpet, wall base, door, sawcut brick masonry wall, door infill and openings, wood framing, blocking, trims, new metal channels, furnish/install new storefront system door, door hardware, reinstall existing door with tempered glass and new wood door frame, new carpet, transition strips, painting, caulking drywall, patching, new carpet, electrical service power, switching distribution, occupancy sensors, data and communications conduits, remove/reinstall portraits.