The Donner Summit Public Utility District (DSPUD) is soliciting sealed Proposals from qualified consulting firms to provide construction management, inspection, and testing services necessary for successful completion of the Sugar Bowl Sewer Extension Project Phase 2A.
DSPUD will use a “Qualifications Based Selection” process in determining which Consultant to be selected for the contract. The process will include an evaluation and ranking of Consultants based on set evaluation criteria. Top ranking Consultants may be asked to participate in an oral interview. DSPUD will open and review the proposal of the top ranked consultant. If for any reason an acceptable contract cannot be negotiated with the top ranked consultant, negotiations will commence with the next-ranked firm. DSPUD reserves the right to retain all proposals submitted and to use any ideas in a proposal regardless of whether that proposal is selected.
Proposals submitted will be evaluated by individuals from DSPUD and/or outside agencies. During the evaluation process, DSPUD reserves the right, where it may serve DSPUD’s best interest, to request additional information from proposers, or to allow corrections of errors or omissions. Submission of a proposal indicates acceptance by the firm of the conditions contained in this RFP, unless clearly and specifically noted in the proposal submitted and confirmed in the contract between DSPUD and the firm selected. DSPUD reserves the right, without prejudice, to reject any or all proposals
The Sugar Bowl Sewer Extension Project will construct sewer main to serve existing homes and parcels in the East and West Villages in Sugar Bowl. All of the homes in the West Village and most of the homes in the East Village are currently on septic systems that do not allow the homeowners to remodel or expand the existing homes. The entire Project consists of approximately 4,520 linear feet of sewer main. The Project is planned to be constructed in three phases, the first phase is Phase 2A which is in the West Village. Phase 2A consists of 1,200 linear feet of sewer main, including a jack and bore pipe installation underneath a tributary to the Yuba River. The current draft Phase 2A engineering plans are included as Attachment B, the draft bid documents are included as Attachment C, and the draft technical specifications are included as Attachment D.
The Project is planned to be funded by an assessment that will be placed on the annual property tax bill for the benefitting properties. Construction contract for Phase 2A is anticipated to be awarded by April 2024 and construction must be complete by October 15, 2024 in order to provide sewer to homes that are currently under construction.
DSPUD has retained the design engineer, Auerbach Engineering, Inc., and environmental permitting consultant (Dudek) to provide support during construction, however they are not contracted to provide overall management and inspection. DSPUD desires to hire a consultant to provide turnkey management and inspection services during construction of Phase 2A. The selected consultant will serve as the “Owner’s Representative” as defined in the draft bid documents included in Attachment C.