Pages in the proposal shall be typed and single sided with the maximum number of pages of proposal information (excluding cover sheet, index sheets, blank pages, table of contents, and
federally required documents) to be limited to 25 pages. Only the specifically requested information shall be submitted. The Consultant shall submit an original unbound proposal and
three copies of the proposal in a sealed envelope or box clearly marked with the Consultant’s name and labeled “Proposal for Engineering Services for the Fern Road East at Glendenning Creek Bridge Replacement Project”. Proposals shall be delivered to the Shasta County Department of Public Works at the address set forth below no later than Friday, August 4, 2023, at 3:00 pm. Late proposals will not be accepted.
Shane Winton, Associate Engineer
Shasta County Department of Public Works
1855 Placer Street
Redding, CA 96001
Along with the copies of the proposal, the Consultant’s fee schedule for the services required in the proposal shall be submitted in a separate sealed envelope with the same
notation as the proposals. The County will not open the sealed cost proposal until after the proposal submitted by each respondent has been reviewed and ranked based on technical
merits. Proposals received after the time and date specified above will be considered nonresponsive and returned to the Consultant.
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