The City’s ATP was adopted in 2019 to provide Thousand Oaks with planning guidance for nonmotorized travel infrastructure improvements that make multimodal transportation safer and more enjoyable (See Attachment A). Additionally, the 2019 ATP provides education and promotes active transportation to increase bicycling and walking throughout the city as a way to reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The ATP was created with input from the community, stakeholders, and City staff as a tool to facilitate future grant efforts and public-private partnerships. Facility inventory, document research, field visits, and extensive GIS analysis were conducted as part of this plan’s preparation. This RFP is intended to solicit proposals to provide professional engineering, environmental, planning, outreach, and design services related to updating the 2019 ATP. The updated ATP shall be prepared in close consultation with representatives of the City of Thousand Oaks. The City’s liaison and contract administrator will be Mark Anthony Bueno.