You are invited to review and respond to this Request for Proposal (RFP) #109379 for Adver�sing and Marke�ng Services. This is a not-to-exceed deliverables contract. The services required are described in Sec�on IV., Exhibit A, Scope of Work (SOW). The purpose of this RFP is for the Employment Development Department (EDD) ( to solicit proposals from qualified adver�sing agencies to serve as the Agency of Record (AOR). The selected Contractor will provide mul�-segment, integrated communica�ons services through statewide marke�ng campaigns in mul�ple languages to promote the EDD’s programs and services. These integrated campaigns will focus on the Department’s expanded access for California’s diverse communi�es and increase awareness of EDD benefit programs and services. This strategic marke�ng and outreach campaign will u�lize cost-efficient digital adver�sing to reach California’s diverse popula�ons, such as individuals in diverse racial, ethnic and cultural groups; English, limited-English proficiency, and non-English speaking popula�ons (where the campaign will be designed and developed in a way it can be successfully implemented in mul�ple languages); and low-income and underserved popula�ons. The services to be performed by the selected Contractor shall include, but not be limited to: • Develop and implement a detailed work and implementation plan. • Develop and deploy annual statewide marketing campaigns. • Produce a mid-year and annual summary report of effectiveness and any findings to strengthen the overall outcome of campaigns