This Agreement is entered into by and between the California Unemployment InsuranceAppeals Board, hereinafter referred to as the CUIAB, and TBD., hereinafter referred to asthe Contractor, for the purpose of providing "As-Needed" Credit Monitoring and IdentityTheft Protection Services for customers of the CUIAB. The services include NotificationServices, Call Center Support Services, and Credit and Identity Theft Monitoring Services.The CUIAB will provide a list of persons and contact information to the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide: Credit and Identity Theft Monitoring Services - daily monitoring of three of the threemajor credit bureaus (Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax). Monitoring must include, butnot be limited to, new lines of credit and credit inquiries. Notification services, using the delivery method (mail, email, or telephone) specified bythe CUIAB; A call center; the call center staff must be able to answer general questions regarding services, eligibility, and enrollment.