Specifications include, but are not limited to: On-call, as needed basis emergency hot mix asphalt (HMA) concrete grinder dig out repair and replacement paving located in the Counties of Glenn, Butte, Sutter, Yuba, Colusa, Placer, Nevada, El Dorado and Sierra. Contractor shall perform grading as specified below: 2. Total estimated quantity tons: a) 1/2” or 3/4” Type A Maximum Medium grading, PG 64-10, PG 64-16, PG 64-28 or PG 70-10. b) A minimum of 100 tons will be placed per Task Order (Attachment 4). Task Order will include up to two (2) miles of roadway. 3. Size of dig-outs: Dig-outs to be a minimum of 50 feet long, 48 (forty-eight) inches wide and 2 (two) to 6 (six) inches in depth. The width of the dig-out will vary from 48 (forty-eight) inches to 14’ (fourteen) feet. It is estimated that 20% of tonnage will be 48-inch wide dig-outs, 20% of tonnage will be 72” (inch)wide dig-outs with the balance of tonnage to be up to 14’(foot) wide dig-outs.