Specifications include, but are not limited to: The City of Hawaiian Gardens, Public Works Department, is requesting a proposal from a qualified transportation consultant or team specializing in multi-modal mobility and bicycle planning to provide professional and technical planning services to prepare the City of Hawaiian Gardens’ Bicycle Master Plan (Plan). This effort will be considered a Citywide Master Plan to be incorporated into Circulation Element of the City’s General Plan. The Plan must be consistent with the City’s existing General Plan and Complete Streets policies, and will include public outreach, and the development of detailed system maps. The goal of the project is to update the City’s existing bike route system for development of a convenient transportation alternative to motor vehicles for residents, visitors, and commuters with the following objectives: • Update and amend current goals, policies, and programs regarding citywide bicycle access and safety. • Meet the requirements of the current bicycle grant program/Active Transportation Program (ATP). • Identify and improve upon a comprehensive interconnected network of existing and planned bikeways and trails for transportation and recreation purposes. • Identify areas with high levels of bicycle activity where improvements can be cost-effective and beneficial. • Develop a description of all proposed facilities, including cross-sections, rightof-way width needed, estimated cost, agency coordination needed, ownership, proposed street crossings, etc. • Prioritize proposed projects into short-term and long-term timeframes with high, medium, and low priorities. • Identify funding sources and strategies for implementation of the proposed projects. Specifically, develop a strategy for the use of various available federal, state, and regional grant programs. • Develop geographic information diagrams for the recommended bicycle, and trail improvements in a form that can continue to be modified and presented to the public. • Hold meetings of Active Transportation Community Advisory Committee (CAC) comprised of stakeholders representing neighborhood groups, schools, businesses, public health, regional agencies i.e. COG, active transportation experts, advocates, and civic leaders quarterly and assist in developing a plan. • Create a bi-lingual (English and Spanish) website and social media page for plan announcements, documents, and FAQs and receive community input. An online and paper survey including graphic design for media outlets shall be developed. • Host a minimum of four community workshops at City Hall and School sites at varying times to optimize community engagement on new bicycle facilities, locations, and supporting features. Community meetings shall be conducted in English and Spanish with a translator.