Specifications include, but are not limited to: This project includes the construction of a permanent structure that will house a snack shack, storage facilities for the City and Malibu Little League, and restrooms. Additionally, the project will ensure ADA accessibility, develop a seating area for park visitors, incorporate native landscapes, and install solar panels to enhance sustainability. The City desires a prefabricated structure, rather than a standalone structure, so that the completion of the project can occur quickly. The prefabricated structure, including the snack shack, storage facilities and restrooms will be approximately 2,000 – 2,200 square feet. The consultant will provide the City with three design alternatives. The consultant will also be required to conduct community meetings and or make presentations to the City’s various commissions and City Council. This project will be subjected to the City of Malibu’s permitting process, the City’s Local Costal Program, and other applicable federal, state, and local requirements.