Specifications include, but are not limited to: In conjunction with the County of San Diego (County) Health and Human Services Agency, Aging & Independence Services (AIS), the Contractor shall maintain Choose Well, a web-based rating system for residential care facilities for the elderly (RCFEs) in San Diego County and shall maintain its website to display the results of the RCFE Rating System (RRS). The rating system and website provide the public with accessible information needed to determine the quality of facilities agreeing to participate. The website lists all licensed RCFEs in San Diego County and includes additional consumer resources, information related to personal and resident rights, and links to other related organizations. Participation in the actual rating system is voluntary. The Contractor shall recruit facilities for participation, further strengthen the website’s reputation as a site of authority and examine the feasibility of accomplishing system enhancements as identified by County staff. The Contractor shall manage the facility scoring, website posting, and Facility Profile Page development and updating. The Contractor shall also monitor technical aspects of website design to identify and implement refinements and shall propose system enhancements to strengthen the rating system effectiveness. Contractor shall serve as emissary of the County’s vision of Choose Well as the RCFE evaluation resource of choice. Widespread voluntary facility participation is critical to these efforts and is a contractor responsibility. The Contractor shall convene an advisory workgroup of consumers and facilities periodically to review and comment on system progress and on proposed modifications to the Choose Well program.