The scope of services set forth in this RFP represents an outline of the services which the County anticipates the successful proposer to perform and is presented for the primary purpose of allowing the County to compare proposals. The precise scope of services to be incorporated into the Professional Services Agreement shall be negotiated between the County and the successful Proposer. The County requests that the Proposer suggest changes to the scope of services (as a part of the proposal) in order to achieve the County’s stated Project Objectives. A preliminary scope of services, with potential work items, is provided below. The scope provided is not intended to be the complete scope required for this Project. Each Proposer should, based on their expertise, consider additional tasks that may be required to complete the Project, revising this preliminary scope of services as necessary. Task 1 – Site Investigation Work Plan. Develop a Site Investigation Work Plan to delineate impacted areas that are above selected screening levels, prior to the development of a Remediation Action Plan. This work will be informed by: findings presented in the Regional Water Board’s “Request for Investigation Work Plan” letter (Attachment B). Previous investigation and site documents pertaining to this location are available on GeoTracker at: The Site Investigation Work Plan will include strategies to determine whether toxaphene levels are in exceedance of acceptable levels established by the San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board Tier 1 Environmental Screen Level (ESL). Sampling to include soil and groundwater from each of the ponds, the adjacent ditches, and the stockpile to evaluate the extend of the contamination. Provide a draft Work Plan for review by the County and the Regional Water Board. Task 2 – Implementation of Site Investigation Work Plan. Following concurrence of the Site Investigation Work Plan by the County and the Regional Water Board, the CONSULTANT may implement the activities determined in the Work Plan. Task 3 – Report of Findings. Prepare a report of findings from the implementation of the Site Investigation Work Plan. Goal: Delineate impacted areas and provide recommendations and conclusions to prepare a Site Remediation Action Plan.