All general requirements for service delivery are subject to change based on HIV Planning Group (HPG) approval, County staff decision, and/or funding source requirements. 6.1. Program Management: Contractor shall provide County with an organizational chart identifying key personnel and reporting relationships within 30 calendar days of the start of the contract term. Contractor shall notify County within 72 hours when there is a change in key management and direct service personnel funded by this contract. 6.1.1. All program staff shall participate in orientation about the requirements of this contract before providing any client services. 6.1.2. Contractor shall provide services with no interruption due to staffing changes and/or vacancies. 6.1.3. A written job description for each employee shall be on file and signed by the staff and supervisor. 6.1.4. Contractor shall follow appropriate laws and guidelines regarding hours of supervision provided, number of supervisees, availability of supervisor to provide supervision, and ongoing or continuing education regarding supervision. 6.2. Trauma-Informed Care: Contractor’s program and services shall be trauma-informed and accommodate the vulnerabilities of trauma survivors and allow services to be delivered in a way that will facilitate client participation in treatment. For all staff who are service providers as well as clerical, administrative and other support staff who might interact with clients, Contractor shall ensure at least 16 hours per year of training regarding: 6.2.1. Understanding trauma, its impact on individuals, and how trauma might manifest in both clients and staff; 6.2.2. Creating safety for clients and staff and how to identify and de-escalate encounters where the client might become dysregulated; 6.2.3. Creating awareness of cultural, historical, disability, and gender issues, and ensuring competence and responsiveness; 6.2.4. Communicating with clients in ways that promote their empowerment, control, choice, and independence; and 6.2.5. Including clients and staff at all levels in the development and review of policies and procedures. 6.3. Staffing Requirements and Qualifications: Contractor shall ensure services are provided by staff who meet Federal, State and County regulations and the HIV Planning Group Service Standards: 6.3.1. Contractor shall maintain documentation of staff qualifications. Contractor shall adhere to staff qualification standards as described, and shall obtain approval from the County for any exceptions. 6.3.2. Contractor shall maintain copies of current valid California licenses/certifications for all licensed or certified staff under this agreement. 6.3.3. Contractor shall have a written training plan that includes specific topics, identification of the trainer, and a timeline for all newly employed staff under this agreement. The plan shall be provided to the County within 30 days of the start of the contract term and whenever modifications are made. Topics for training shall include, but are not be limited to: policies and procedures for providing Nutrition Assistance services; use of required database systems; cultural competency; local resources for health and supportive services such as legal, housing, and transportation services; referrals to medical and core services; Medi-Cal and AIDS Drugs Assistance Program (ADAP); working with clients co-diagnosed with substance use disorder and/or mental health issues; benefits; vocational services/employment; and other relevant services. 6.3.4. Contractor shall participate in all required trainings scheduled or facilitated by County staff or designee. 6.3.5. Home Delivered Meals specific staffing requirements and qualifications: Meal preparation shall be overseen by certified food handler. Meal planning shall be conducted by a licensed registered dietician and in accordance with California regulations.