Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Administer a range of financial resources for the San Francisco Department of Early Childhood for City-funded licensed early learning settings to have access to grants and loans programs to increase licensed capacity for 0-5.; 2. Provide the type of financial resources and information needed for ECE providers in facilitating the planning of expansion for licensed capacity, including: Planning and predevelopment grants; Capital development grants and loans; Start-up financing; Facility renovation and repair grants; Short-term emergency repayable grants; and financing for purchase, including access to zero and low interest loan products.; 3. Based on identified needs, provide relevant trainings, resources, linkages, and one-on-one technical assistance related to a facility project’s development process, including feasibility analysis, capital planning, architecture and design, construction development, permit process, start-up, and facility maintenance.; 4. Establish financing and development strategies that leverage individual projects’ ability for increased access to non-City funding and resources for capital needs of the ECE sector, including acquisition of property, identifying New Market Tax Credit eligible projects, and building relationships that create potential sources of additional funding e.g. foundations, MOHCD, CA Department of Education, CA Department of Social Services, etc.; 5. Provide IPIC resources, based on specific Neighborhood Area Plans, for ECE programs to increase licensed capacity and access to early education services.; 6. Provide project management as needed, including use of consultants, to ensure ECE sites maintain a reasonable phase of construction and sign-off in larger, more complex projects.; 7. Offer individual technical assistance for project financing, financial projections and board development.; 8. Provide consultation and assistance regarding fiscal and operating issues to licensed ECE centers serving DEC priority populations and low/moderate income children, particularly those contracted through DEC, California Department of Education-Early Learning and Care Division, California Department of Social Services-Child Care & Development Division, and federal Early Head Start and Head Start, and for facilities identified as City priorities for capital projects.; 9. Provide guidance on ECE facility/environment design to ensure the highest quality learning environments for children in City supported programs.; 10. Provide individualized business technical assistance to city-funded ECE programs with financial models to aid in the economic recovery post-pandemic. Provide a variety of trainings, webinars, resources, linkages, and one-on-one technical assistance as requested to aid decision-making for economic viability of ECE program.