Specifications include, but are not limited to: FULL DEPTH RECYCLING - CEMENT: Work shall consist of pulverizing existing asphalt concrete, base, and subgrade soil to a total depth as shown on the plans. Regrade and incorporate all reclaimed material. Add cement and water to the blended material to a total depth as shown on the plans in accordance with the specifications provided below. Shape and compact road to previously existing grades and elevations. Apply asphaltic emulsion and sand cover. The FDR-C section shall be compacted to 97 percent of the maximum dry density. Microcracking of the completed cement stabilized surface shall occur 48-72 hours after compaction, per Standard Specification Section 30-4.03.G.; This item shall consist of constructing a mixture of pulverized asphalt concrete, base material, subgrade soil, cement, and water in accordance with this specification, and in conformity with the lines, grades, thickness, and typical cross sections shown on the plans. Full Depth Recycling with Cement (FDR-C) shall be constructed in a series of parallel lanes such that longitudinal and transverse joints are minimized.; PORTLAND CEMENT: All cement to be used or furnished must be Type II or Type V Portland cement as specified in ASTM C150/150M. The cement shall be protected from moisture until used and be sufficiently dry to flow freely when handled. Cement shall be furnished in bulk and not exposed until applied to prepared grade. There are no substitutions for Portland cement.; WATER: Water used for mixing or curing shall be reasonably clean and free of oil, salt, acid, alkali, sugar, vegetable, or other substances injurious to the finished product. The Contractor shall notify the engineer if a water source other than potable water is used and perform testing for chlorides and sulfates before starting work. If potable water is not used, water must be clean and contain no more than 650 parts per million of chlorides as CL determined under California Test 422 and no more than 1300 parts per million of sulfates as SO4 determined under California Test 417