Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. Translation Process 1) As a usual procedure, CDE will email English-language source documents as Word documents to the Contractor. In some instances, CDE may provide hard copies, PDF files, or web links to the Contractor in lieu of a Word document.; 2) Before sending the translation(s) to the CDE, the Contractor must complete the following tasks: a. Translate for accuracy,; b. Translate for completeness,; c. Translate for consistency,; 3) The Contractor will email the completed translations to the CDE as specified in Exhibit A, Article XV. Submittals/Formatting: a. Contractor must take necessary steps to ensure that the translations are of high quality and that the translators and proofreaders have followed all of CDE’s guidelines and instructions.; b. Contractor will use the Assignment Form, see Exhibit F, when sending completed translations to the CDE. The assignment is not deemed as complete without the completed Assignment Form, and it may be sent to CDE as a PDF file.; B. Revisions/Updates to Pre-Existing Translations At the direction of CDE, the Contractor will update and revise pre-existing translations to reflect a revised source document. (Pre-existing translations may or may not have been provided by the Contractor.) In revising or updating translations, the Contractor will maintain consistency in the translation of educational terms and titles. Prior to delivery to the CDE, the Contractor will ensure that all updated versions accurately reflect the new source document and that the updated translations delivered to CDE have been proofed for the same elements and qualities enumerated in Article VII. A. (2) of Exhibit A.; C. Glossary/Educational References When a specific educational term, title, or reference (e.g., “California Department of Education,” “California Common Core State Standards,” “school district,” “supplementary educational services”) appears in a source document assigned to the Contractor for translation, the Contractor will ensure that the translation of the term, title, or reference will be consistent among all previous and future translations. The Contractor will maintain an ongoing list of such terms and their translations. The Contractor will provide an electronic copy of the list at no additional cost to the CDE 90 days after the start of the contract and thereafter every six months, or upon request by the CDE.; D. Emergency Translation The Contractor may be required to provide emergency translation services on an as-needed basis with the following timeline requirements for each language in an assignment: 1) Translations of source documents of up to 500 words must be provided to the CDE within 24 consecutive hours of assignment.; 2) Translations of source documents between 501-1,000 words must be provided to the CDE within 36 consecutive hours of assignment.; 3) Translations of source documents between 1,001-1,500 words must be provided to the CDE within 48 consecutive hours of assignment.