Specifications include, but are not limited to: The project grantee will: ✓ 1) Have demonstrated cultural competence in program outreach and service to and 2) provide letters of support from underserved Native/tribal communities ✓ Have knowledge about and relevant experience with special education rights, programs and services, and IEP strategies, as delivered in the least restrictive setting ✓ Be committed to a special education delivery model that promotes full inclusion of students with I/DD and is provided within least restrictive educational settings The grantee will develop and implement a pilot project that will: ✓ Identify and serve families within one or more tribal communities in the SCDD North Coast Regional Office (NCRO) catchment area (including Del Norte, Humboldt, Mendocino and/or Lake counties) ✓ Identify, build and measure the capacity of tribal families of children with I/DD to seek and obtain FAPE/special education services within least restrictive settings ✓ Provide culturally competent curriculum, training, referrals and support to tribal families of children with I/DD eligible for/receiving special education services