- Congregant, 180 walled with pocket/ barn door private sleeping spaces, including beds with storage spaces underneath the beds. Sixteen of these sleeping spaces should be Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible, ensuring accessibility for future residents with disabilities. Ensure all private sleeping areas meet fire code standards. 20 non-congregant/ independent sleeping pods with an attached restroom (can be located separate area on the site if needed). - Community restroom and showers (Male, Female, Independent Gender Neutral or Family Restrooms with toilets and showers) to accommodate a total of 180 individuals throughout the day. - Navigation Campus Operator & Recuperative Care Area (separate from City HUB) that includes 12 work stations for drop-in work, 4- single management offices, 1 in-take office by the front door (include secondary egress), two recuperative care medical office spaces with sink and reception area with panel/acrylic guard - 3 Private Staff Restrooms (All gender) - City HUB/ Substation: Separate entrance and apart from operator office spaces, the City HUB should have two offices and a communal working space to accommodate 8-10 drop-in workstations. - Laundry Facility to accommodate 6 Speed Queen Washer and Dryers- All front loading. - Covered Solar Parking to meet parking requirement and EV charger. Parking lot circulation should consider ADA and Access van. - 10 Covered dog kennels and small dog run to including access to water, fans and heaters. - Included in design is a hotbox located in the exterior to mitigate bed bugs or other pests. - Meets call fire code and fire sprinklers for sleeping area, community space, and commercial kitchen. Include heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. - The Proposed Project would also include a cafeteria with a fully equipped commercial kitchen (including grease interreceptor and the design standard for approval by the San Bernardino Department of Public Health for approval) able to serve 200 residents per meal. The cafeteria would also serve as an assembly area and would include moveable dividers to divide the cafeteria into four smaller areas for activities. - Design must include perimeter fencing, secure parking for staff and gates. Perimeter fencing should include parking lot lighting and low-voltage wiring for cameras throughout the site. - The Project would also include Wi-Fi access, outdoor furniture, way-finding signage, landscaping, a waste enclosure (for trash, recycling, and organic waste), outdoor heating rooms for pest/ bed bugs remediation and a bicycle storage area.