Specifications include, but are not limited to: The City of San Bernardino Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department would like to obtain professional services from qualified bidder(s) for the Parks, Recreation & Community Services Department (PRCSD) Trimester Brochure with the digital hosting, printing, translation, and bulk mailing preparation services. The City of San Bernardino Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department (referred to as the “City”) is requesting proposals to establish a professional services contract for digital Turn book hosting, print, translation, and Bulk mailing preparation services for the Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Trimester (Spring, Summer, and Fall/Winter) Brochure with the work to commence within 30 days of award. The City of San Bernardino PRCSD Trimester Brochure shall be 56 (28 English/ 28 Spanish) self-cover booklet with artwork and photos distributed to San Bernardino residences only, at a minimum quantity of 75,000 per issue. The City will provide the design and layout for print. Spanish translation will be required for brochure. Graphic Design may be required from time to time.