Specifications include, but are not limited to: The JPB is seeking a Director of Project Delivery for the Caltrain Modernization (CalMod) Program. This position will provide leadership and direction to staff and consultants assigned to the CalMod Program in the area of project delivery. The position will be responsible for delivering the Caltrain Early Investment Program consisting of corridor electrification, electric motor unit vehicles (EMUs), the Communication-Based Overlay Signal System Positive Train Control (CBOSS PTC), the integration of CBOSS PTC with corridor electrification and EMUs, and coordination with Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) and State of Good Repair (SOGR) projects in support of the overall program. The person selected will be responsible for system integration and interoperability of program elements, ensuring all required tasks are performed on time and within budget. This is a high profile position with substantial political and public interaction and scrutiny. Partnership and coordination with the California High Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA), Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), Federal Transportation Administration (FTA and Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR), as well as regional and local/community stakeholders will be essential for timely project delivery.