Specifications include, but are not limited to: provide Authority leaders with the knowledge and framework to identify and evaluate emerging and existing risks in order to further the goals and objectives of the Authority. Under the supervision of the Director of Risk Management and Project Controls, the Proposer will provide expertise on industry best practice ERM tools, practices, and policies to analyze and report on enterprise and project risks. In addition, the Proposer will support the process of risk analysis, modeling, and reporting. For purposes of this RFP, the Scope of Work includes the provision of expert advice to assist with risk management and, as described below, the Proposer shall provide the following: 1. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and other risk management Advisory and support services 2. Provide training, skills, and knowledge transfer to help build the risk management capabilities of Authority leadership and build a common understanding of risk; 3. Develop an enterprise risk assessment framework and conduct a risk assessment of Program risks and organizational capabilities; 4. Develop a plan, provide resources, coordinate and support Authority quarterly ERM workshops and reporting 5. In addition, key deliverables of this contract will include: • An implementation roadmap that sets out the path forward towards achieving the five (5) key deliverables: • A plan to evolve and mature data collection, analytic techniques, and lessons learned • A change management strategy; • A draft policy and procedures to support implementation; • Formal risk management training;