Specifications include, but are not limited to: The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) is issuing this RFQ to receive Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from qualified firms (Offerors) for Environmental Services for the Merced to Fresno project section. The purpose of this RFQ is to award one contract to the successful Offeror (Consultant) to provide environmental services, including but not limited to, CEQA/NEPA documentation, environmental re-examination and/or reevaluation, permitting, and environmental compliance during construction, for the Merced to Fresno project section. The Authority is also evaluating a potential relocation of the approved Merced at-grade station north to an elevated station at R Street in order to coordinate with ACE and San Joaquin Regional Rail as an intermodal station. Subject to the outcome of the Authority’s reexamination and if approved, the Agreement may also be amended to include work in the portion of the alignment between the current approved station location at Martin Luther King Jr. Way and the potential new downtown station at R Street.