Specifications include, but are not limited to:Pursuant to specific authorization from the Authority Contract Manager, the Consultant is responsible for the providing of professional services related to the development and presentation of the High‐ Speed Rail Systemwide Vision Plan for Stations. The Consultant will meet with the Contract Manager and planning staff as directed to develop a framework for the work to be performed and the elements of the Vision Plan. It is understood that meetings may be more regularly held at the beginning of the contract term and may be requested to be held in person, by conference call or by video conferencing.Meetings with the Authority will primarily take place at the RDP’s office or with Authority’s staff in its Sacramento office. In addition, progress meetings may take place in the Regional Offices, as directed by the Contract Manager. 2.1.1Development of a Vision Plan (Plan) Every station area, whether existing or proposed, faces unique challenges and will require tailored strategies to create high‐performing transit‐oriented development projects. However, they should all share similar characteristics to assist planners, citizens and elected officials to quickly and easily understand key planning considerations and what to expect in terms of the character, role and function of the places that will be created. The Plan should be viewed as a toolkit of common elements to allow visitors to identify a station as part of the HSR System. While every station area is unique and should reflect local context, culture and climate, the Plan should present common principles that apply to the creation of forms and public spaces regardless of location. The Plan should providence guidance on how to build on existing international HSR examples, inspiration to plan for more than transportation needs and HSR‐design elements to emphasize the importance of the quality and character of the architecture