Specifications include, but are not limited to: The TJPA is issuing this Request for Information (RFI) to solicit feedback from Interested Parties (Industry Sounding) on the procurement and delivery of the track and systems scope of Phase 2 of the Transbay Program (Program), Downtown Rail Extension (DTX). The purpose of the Industry Sounding is to inform strategy and future decision-making relative to the feasibility of the procurement and delivery of the DTX project under a CMGC model. The DTX will connect Caltrain’s regional rail system and the California High-Speed Rail Authority’s statewide system to the Salesforce Transit Center in downtown San Francisco. The rail alignment will be constructed principally below grade to provide a critical link for Peninsula commuters and travelers on the state’s future high-speed rail system. The project is being developed by the TJPA in collaboration with the Program’s major stakeholders: the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, the San Francisco County Transportation Authority, the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board–Caltrain, the California High-Speed Rail Authority, the City and County of San Francisco, and the California Department of Transportation.