Specifications include, but are not limited to: Provide the Authority all labor, tools, materials, equipment, and travel necessary to perform provide ongoing Integrated Pest Management (IPM) control, maintenance and abatement services, and such services shall include, but not be limited to, the elimination of rats, mice, mites, performing large building destructive applications as directed by the Authority Contract Manager (ACM). If the animal(s) poses a health threat, the Contractor shall be required to exterminate the captured animal(s) before removal from the property and as required by the Department of Fish and Wildlife regulations. All treatments are limited to interior office spaces, common spaces, and exterior areas of building(s) and landscape, trees, plants, shrubs, grass, pavement, concrete, and soil only within the property boundaries noted below. The work shall include topical and systemic treatments of general landscape, trees, plants, shrubs, and grass areas. The work shall also include providing baited moth and insect glue traps for internal use at the Central Valley Regional Headquarters for the term of this Agreement. The Authority does not guarantee a minimum or maximum use of this Agreement. roaches, hornets, wasps, sow bugs, centipedes, millipedes, fleas, lice, silverfish, cluster flies, spiders, ants, bees, white flies, skunks, opossums, raccoons, feral cats, rodents, small wild animals and other pests. Services may include the live capturing and transportation to an onsite location, without harm, when applicable, and isolated treatments of termites without