The San Diego Sheriff's Office (SDSO) is soliciting information from qualified vendors for a Jail Reentry Services case management application that is cloud-native. The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to gather details about available solutions and technologies that can enhance and support the operational needs for our counselors to manage cases for individuals in custody and any/all data related to those services. The Sheriff’s Office would like to upgrade our current on-prem environment to a cloud-native solution that can improve our customer service and increase our overall productivity. The application should be innovative, should integrate with our existing tools and technologies, and provide real-time data and analytics. OBJECTIVES The primary objectives of implementing a Jail Reentry Case Management application are as follows: Enhance integration with our current technologies. Improve user experience for our counselors and customer base that it will support. Automate manual processes and workflows. Improve data management and reporting