Specifications include, but are not limited to: The LRSP provides a framework for organizing stakeholders to identify, analyze, and prioritize roadway safety improvements on local and rural roads. The process creates a framework to identify and analyze safety problems and recommend safety improvements. Preparing a LRSP facilitates the development of local agency partnerships and collaboration, resulting in a prioritized list of improvements and actions that can demonstrate a defined need and contribute to a statewide plan. The LRSP offers a proactive approach to addressing safety needs and demonstrated agency responsiveness to safety challenges. Starting on Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 11 (around April 2022) and on, a LRSP will be required for an agency to be eligible to apply. This RFP seeks to secure a qualified consultant to prepare a LRSP that aligns with the California State Highway Safety Plan and the Federal Highway Safety Plan and it will serve as an important tool for saving lives and reducing injuries on local roadways. The LRSP shall evaluate the entire system to determine what improvements can be made to increase pedestrian and vehicle safety. The consultant selected will analyze the most recent 10-year collision history to identify areas of concern and propose countermeasures to prevent future collisions and injuries. This may include analyzing existing intersections, sight visibility issues, adequate lighting, horizontal and vertical roadway alignment, and recommended traffic calming devices to enhance the safety along major arterials and local roadways. The LRSP should be designed as a living document that will be updated to reflect changing needs and priorities.