Specifications include, but are not limited to: • Gain familiarity with design patterns supported by Granicus CMS • Gain familiarity with logos and color schemes for Lesher Center, Bedford Gallery, Center REP and DRAA. Formal brand style guides are not available. • Perform content audit; Site Design • Create an identity system that integrates the master brand (Lesher Center for the Arts) with opportunities to feature the sub-brands (Bedford Gallery, Center REP, and DRAA) in different areas of the site • Ensure all designs are achievable using the Granicus CMS • Two homepage designs: LesherArtsCenter.org and BedfordGallery.org o Provide 3 initial design tile options • Seven to ten page templates that can be utilized across both sites o This should include visual customization for Lesher Center, Bedford Gallery, and Center REP content • Three landing page templates for Center REP, Lesher Center Presents series, and DRAA fundraising campaigns o Provide 3 initial template options for each landing page design • Provide developer-ready specifications