These services will be used to assist the San Francisco Department of Public Health’s (“DPH”) Health Network (“SFHN” or “Network”) and other departments as the City further develops its Office of Managed Care; develops strategies to negotiate, enter into and implement managed care contracts with Medicaid plans, commercial plans and other payers; and otherwise implements strategies needed for the changing health care environment. These services will also be used to support system change and expand managed care delivery systems into new areas of the Network and other City departments. The Affordable Care Act (“ACA”), Medicaid Waivers (“CalAIM”), and state and local legislation are the driving forces for many of these changes. Respondents must have experience working with public sector or nonprofit health delivery systems serving low-income populations. Experience in establishing business functions that support various reimbursement model, such as capitation, fee-for-service and among others, and in the state of California’s reimbursement and regulatory environment is preferred. Firms will also be expected to integrate equity as a foundational consideration in their work.