The selected consultant will work with community members, with support from City staff, to create a Neighborhood Plan that will evaluate neighborhood opportunities and constraints, identify plan goals designed to improve neighborhood quality of life and enhance and expand existing businesses, and identify and evaluate opportunity sites for future development or redevelopment that would help achieve the goals of the plan. The plan will focus on improving the built environment in a manner that supports social and economic mobility. The project would commence and be completed in 2025. A critical element for the success of the Neighborhood Plan is a robust Community Engagement Strategy. The community outreach and engagement proposal should identify a variety of traditional and nontraditional methods for connecting with residents, business owners, students, and property owners within the planning area. These methods could include interviewing stakeholders, hosting focus groups, facilitating student activities in collaboration with VUSD or other local schools, community workshops involving handson activities, and/or pop-ups at key locations. Engaging with the diverse business owners and residents within the planning area will require the consultant to conduct outreach in English and Spanish.