Specifications include, but are not limited to: • Assist all Public Works Divisions (Engineering, Water, Wastewater, Streets, Refuse, Transit, Building Maintenance, Fleet, Stormwater, Airport, and Service Requests) with Strategic and Tactical Messaging and Branding. • Provide Graphic Design and layout services for brochures, handouts, and website items as needed, including the design of infographics and targeted visuals to create a nexus between content and imagery. • Provide stock footage or custom photography for projects, events, and publications for print and online purposes. • Perform image retouching and adjustments after shoots for video and photo formats. • Assist with design color theory and typography for specific projects. • Prepare digital files for required formatting needs. • Provide support and coordination for public outreach meetings and hotlines for CIP projects and other initiatives undertaken by the Public Works Department. • Arrange for videography as needed. • Provide support during emergency events as necessary, including developing speaking points and messaging to be used with media and the public. • Develop social media posts and other outreach material as requested. • Conduct keyword research and employ SEO best practices to optimize content. • Analyze web traffic to measure the success of the content (e.g. conversion, bounce rates, impressions, reach and retention curve). • Develop animated videos on topics that relate to business and community members. • Digital marketing for the delivery of information through digital channels such as search engines, website, social media, email and mobile apps. • Prepare project logos, surveys, and project websites. • Advertise and present public workshops and community meetings. • Other services as needed and to be determined.