Specifications include, but are not limited to: The following is an outline of anticipated tasks required to perform this work. All tasks described below are subject to grant approval from the FAA, Caltrans Division of Aeronautics, or other grant sources. Additionally, work may be accomplished during the course of multiple grants. All work shall be completed under the responsible charge of professionals, appropriately licensed in California for the type of work completed. 1. Conduct and prepare a Pavement Condition Study at the Willows-Glenn County Airport. 2. Conduct and prepare a Pavement Condition Study at the Haigh Field Airport. 3. Prepare necessary applications and documentation for Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grant funding. 4. Assist in the annual preparation and development of Airport Capital Improvement Plans (ACIP). 5. Planning services including: airport data collection, facility inventories, preparing of or updating Airport Layout Plans, airport financial planning, airport development schedules and cost estimates, and other planning tasks as may be required. 6. Environmental studies, assessments, and reports, to include requirements of CEQA, NEPA, and all associated regulations, including the ability to represent the airport(s) in discussions with regulatory agencies. Other environmental services as may be required. 7. Coordination with the FAA in grant proposals, performance, and closeout.