Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. Community policing and community engagement work with each district station The Contractor will act as a liaison between the SFPD and the community. The Contractor will assign dedicated staff to each police station to work on community policing issues and participate in weekly Captains’ meetings. In addition, the Contractor will attend, and if needed, facilitate the Captains’ monthly Community Police Advisory Board (CPAB) meetings. CPAB advise their district station Captain about public safety, crime, and quality of life issues that are impacting their community and play a vital role in communication and problem-solving efforts undertaken by district stations. B. Coordination of neighborhood/business watch groups Upon request from Neighborhood/Business Watch Groups, Contractor staff will meet with the group to identify and prioritize issues to be addressed, educate members on crime prevention and public safety, assist in problem-solving, discuss and analyze their safety needs and concerns in the neighborhood and be a liaison to the Police or other agencies to address safety needs and accomplish its goals. Contractor staff will meet with and advise the group monthly until they are ready and empowered to move forward on their own. Neighborhood Watch groups may apply for Neighborhood Watch signs through the Contractor, which can add to the deterrence of criminal activities. C. Conducting residential and commercial security surveys and presentations Contractor will provide an on-site assessment of a residential home’s interior and exterior security, and recommend practical and cost-effective ways to improve personal safety and security of the property. A written report of recommendations specific to the residence or building will be provided to the client. Contractor staff will be trained in Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), which addresses other issues affecting safety and security such as lighting, foliage and property structure. Contractor will provide an on-site assessment of any size business or workplace. Assessment may include addressing concerns regarding employee safety, loss and theft prevention, robbery, burglary, fraud and violence in the workplace. Business Security Presentations may include topics such as: Employee Safety, Business Watch, Burglary, Robbery and Fraud Prevention, General & Employee Theft Prevention, Workplace Violence Prevention, General Office & Building Security, and Personal Safety.