Specifications include, but are not limited to: Task 1.1. Grounding - This task to be completed 1 time at the beginning of the contract. Upon execution of contract contractor proposes to have an initial kickoff meeting with the San Diego Air Pollution Control District (SDAPCD) to discuss overall goals and coordination for the monthly meetings. Items to be discussed will include: • Background of the Portside and International Border Community Steering Committees • High-level review of Community Emissions Reduction Programs (CERPs) • Overall statement of work • Meeting goal and guidelines • Schedule for meetings for the year • Coordination between contractor and SDPACD • Logistics expectations for meetings • Agenda and meeting materials. Deliverables • Development of a work plan that will contain the details of meeting preparation and logistics. Task 1.2. Meeting Preparation with Contractor and SDAPCD staff - his task to be completed 12 times/1 per month during the year for IBCSC and 12 times/1 per month during the year for PCSC (for a total of 24 times) Contractor expects to participate in at least one planning meetings prior to each of the International Border and Portside CSC meetings to finalize the agenda and meeting materials (i.e., slide decks), provide translation of agenda and meeting materials, and support SDAPCD with graphic design for meeting materials...