Specifications include, but are not limited to: Identify and serve families/individuals with I/DD within one or more tribal communities in the SCDD San Diego Imperial Regional Office (SDIRO) catchment area ✓ Identify, increase and measure the capacity of tribal families of children with I/DD to seek and obtain FAPE/special education services within LRE/appropriate settings ✓ Identify, increase and measure the capacity of tribal families of children with I/DD to seek and obtain regional center services ✓ Reduce barriers associated with cultural issues, myths, misunderstandings, fears, etc., as well as any cultural perception of ‘blame’ within tribal communities regarding educational and regional center service systems and people with I/DD ✓ Provide culturally competent curriculum (FAPE rights, Lanterman Act, eligibility, due process, advocacy options, etc.), training, referrals, information/resources, advocacy and support to tribal families of children with I/DD eligible for/receiving special education and/or regional center services